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1 > trefoils taste like butter. mmmmmmmmmm.
2 > the other night, i made a chipolte-spiced covered pork roast. sammy kept saying, “mom, this steak is so tender. it’s so good.” it would be wrong to correct him, right?
3 > reebok zigteks stink. no, literally...they stink.
yeah, yeah, yeah. sam doesn’t bathe everyday. but NO other shoe that he owns smells up the house/car/neighborhood like the zigteks.
4 > me. still have this f#^%#%^$&*%*%*()&)_ drain in. the amount of fluid in the drain needs to be below 30ml for 2-3 days in a row before they can take it out. all i can say is...PEOPLE! don’t take a steaming hot shower for granted. EVER. sponge-bathing sucks. i feel like a grandma with a colostomy bag. fweeeewh. that felt good. back to our regularly scheduled randomness.
5 > somewhat related, but not...can’t wait to see everyone at work this week.
so, in the midst of the wine-drinking randomness above...(i think this was last saturday) the power went out. i heard it was a grid thing. no storm, no accident. but out for most of the evening. which ended up being awesome. just me and sam. gathering firewood and getting the wood stove humming, lighting candles, reading ripleys believe it or not, cuddling in bed with a flash light.
i had so much more randomness to write...and SO much has happened this last week. but i haven’t yet been in the mood to write it all down. but im keeping a list. so stay tuned. yeah, that’s a tease. xo
olivia looks scared.
must have been those socks.
weekend tournament in maumee, ohio. hopefully brian will have some better shots. we weren’t allowed to use a flash...and the place was pretty dark. olivia did AWESOME....and her brother was the most patient 9 year old boy you could ask for.
thanks, sam.
we’ve been having some grade discussions lately. can you tell?
thank you to john for sharing this on this beautiful st. patrick’s day morning. ALMOST makes me want to go out and have a green beer. have a great day!
way to go grandpa! love you!
kinda silly, i guess. but a necessary evil sometimes and i always feel terrible throwing them away. i think i’ll save a few and try this out. good for summer snacks outside. my kids already LOVE having there lunches served to them in those compartment plates. thanks again to one of my favorites.
my latest do-over from rique. i have a few layers going on underneath, but trust me, its even more beautiful in person. and just the color i needed right now. check out her site. i promise it will inspire you...even if its just changing the buttons on an old sweater.
harsh. but polite.
the last couple of days. what could be better than that?
let me apologize right of the bat for the title.
but this post is about charlie, who is the undisputed king of puns and bad jokes in our neighborhood. (i jus’ be wif him.)
i’m sure everyone is tired of me bragging about what awesome neighbors i have...but it’s true! above, just a little project charlie has been working on. this is just one of 5 that carol showed me to pick from...each one more beautiful than the next.anyway, not that i needed cheering up, but waking up to this in my kitchen every morning certainly helps.