
daily ritual :: summer edition

so. this post definitely falls in the category of too much information. so be forewarned. i a little while back in updates i posted that there might be a problem with my incision. well, that turned out to be a large understatement. because of the radiation that i had 5 years back (well, thats what i keep telling myself so i stop putting the blame on me) the incision not only didn’t heal, but got hugely infected. fortunately, it waited till i got home from vacation...but 2 dys later i was in my doctors office watching brian turn pale as the doctor cut open my chest and pulled out my inplant. (i have very little feeling there...so it didn’t hurt me...except for wanting to throw up cause i knew what was happening) anyway...enough back story and on to the daily ritual part. every day...twice a day...the saint known as brian roach has to pack my open wound...wearing rubber gloves....with saline soaked gauze until the wound heals up from the inside. you cant just sew it up cause there is now way of making sure all the bacteria is out of it. it’s why puncture wounds are so dangerous. now, some of you know...brian is a guy who learned how to give a shot into a box turtles leg. so he’s perfectly suited for this job. and as i have said to myself for the umpteenth-gazillioneth time...i don’t know what i would do without him.



i know...a lot of people think it’s dumb.
but i love it.
thanks to curious bird for my little inspiration today. i needed it.


i don’t skinny dip...i chunky dunk

sign at a tacky gift store in tin city. but it made me laugh the whole trip. (vacation is my excuse for not posting in awhile.) we had an awesome time...good weather, good friends and good time with our family. visits with grandpa bookended our trip.

i’d post more pictures...

but if you want to see almost every photo taken, check out olivia’s facebook albums here.
and here.

world view

“i don’t know that much about the rest of the world...like chardon and claridon...but i do KNOW burton.”

sammy...explaining to me how things are.