

lets just say i’ve been a little slow to warm up to some of this social-media-type-twitter-texting-stuff. and i’m not really a big phone talker either. but it’s still fun to get mail that’s actually handwritten...like the awesome postcards our neighbors send us on their travels. next special occasion, i’m going to send one of these.



the first of hopefully a couple more trips to the zoo this year. thanks to olivia, who took most of these photos. there were so many good ones it was hard to choose. i think she captured sam’s monkeyness.


keeping a journal

i’ve tried. even with this blog...which is kind of like a journal...but i’ve kind of sucked at it lately. revisiting this makes me want to try again. maybe if my brain didn’t shut off at 9:00 very night i could get more done!

we’ve been...

1. enjoying spring break with our kids.

2. painting the living room and bathroom grey...“vintage grey”. it sounds really dull.
but it’s really nice. sophisticated maybe? it was terra cotta...so this is actually a big change. and the trim hadn’t been done in like 17 years.

3. cursing how much painting prep work there is to do before getting to the fun part.

4. listening to...and loving...when our kids laugh and get along with each other.

5. managing sam’s ever increasing social schedule.
we must get three to four call a day for him.

6. missing olivia when she went to columbus overnight for a feis. (but she got to visit the columbus zoo and see a manatee...a life-long dream. thanks, ruth!)

7. worrying about brian’s mom. she is going through a rough patch right now so we keep sending her good vibes.

8. started softball and soccer practices. this week we add baseball to the mix.

9. amazed that it hadn’t happened sooner...sam fell out of a tree and gave us a good scare. (although the friend he was with was probably the most scared of all) sam is fine...just a little sore.

10. amazed at how a week with nothing to do got so busy for us.


weighty issues

sam > mom, do you believe in god?
mom > absolutely.
sam > i think he’s a boy.
mom > i don’t know, sam...i think he might be bigger than that.
sam > yeah, he’s tall like a giant...but not as fat.