i learned how to..and to love cooking...by spending hours pouring over their recipes.
my books are now filled with grease stains, small food particles(yuck!), dog ears and random pieces of stuff used as bookmarks.
and i still pull out the new basics a lot...as i have a mental block about how to boil an egg.
anyway, driving home today and trying to figure out what to make for dinner...i mentally tallied up my assets. LOTS of tomatoes, basil, pasta and a hunk of brie left over from a party last weekend.
bing! the infamous tomato brie salad! well, with the pasta added to make it more of a meal. (also knowing that olivia will pick out most of the tomatoes)
i must have made that salad for every single summer party i went to back in the late 80’s. it still looks and smells as good as i remember.
I never cared about making food until I met you and Susan and Laura...and the Silver Palette. It changed my life.
My looks like yours and it's completely falling apart at the binding. I'm going to check right now to see if it's available for my nook.
ugh. i already checked! i couldnt find it. wouldn’t that be perfect? a couple of bittmans books are available...but kind of expensive.
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