

is this the cutest thing ever?
browsing thru etsy this morning and came across.
and the crocheter is from cleveland.

the making of

i think i already sent everybody the “after” photos...but wanted to share a few of getting ready. it was pretty fun. so beautiful outside that day that tracey did her hair outside. and all the neighbors came over to peek.



brian’s birthday was last thursday, october 21st.
not a huge celebration, but fun. and the kids did a lot of work to help make it special.
thanks to everybody for all their good wishes. and thanks again to amy for sharing that yummy turkey lasgana recipe. i wish i would have taken a picture of that!



now i know what to do with all of grandpa seidel’s slides!
came across this on one of my new favorite sites.


school photos

seeing the latest makes me wish i had one of those cascading frame galleries in my stairwell.
note to self. start homeschooling when the braces come off. :)