3. baseball. 2 times a week...a tournament and an all-star game. and now, i actually like sitting and watching the indians play on tv. what’s going on? ill post some pictures in a separate post. i know, i know...i didnt invite aunt sheryl and uncle john. maybe a captains game in august?
4. a day at ikea. i love the shot of sammy standing in front of the incredibly breakable wall of glass. we went there to get stuff for our offices...brian and i are moving in together. 17 years...who’d a thunk. (pictures are from ikea and steak and lube across the street)
5. surgery. july 2nd. finally. i waited over a month and a half due to my doctors schedule. not bitter, just anxious. everything turned out ok for the most part...the size is perfect...except....
6. blisters. we had close to a week of 90 degree temperatures. on july 5th...after about the 4th day...we took the kids to beach to cool off. and i got heat blisters around the tape on my incision. yuck. i think it is going to be ok, but it doesnt look too pretty right now. lots of antibiotics and prescription creme.
7. birthdays. sammy on july 1st, grandpa seidel on the 5th and olivia on the 11th. my cousin kelly, posted some pictures on her facebook page of the kids at her wedding 3 years ago. it’s unbelievable how much they have grown!
8. 4th of july. nothing crazy around here...still sort of resting from my surgery...but nice fireworks down at the fairgrounds and steak on the grill.
9. i usually want to go to ten...but i’m tired and i just want to post. i admit it. i always have so many post ideas...but not the time to do them. i’ll have to figure out some sort of solution. any ideas?