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i love make up.
ever since i was in high school and wore ENTIRELY too much.
(mom, dad...hello? olivia, don’t get any ideas)
i don’t have much time (or money) anymore...
but wandering through sephora...browsing at nordstrom...
trying to collect all the products in instyle’s makeup issue...much girly fun.
and maybe now is the time to mention... nars...dolce vita lipstick?
i heart you.
(sorry for the blurry photo...but i just hate the flash.
and didn’t have enough patience for a tripod.)
cleaning out my emails and found this.
i know most people hate them. but they always make me think and i usually find out something i didn’t know about my friends
where is your cell phone? > in my back pocket.
your significant other? > brian.
your hair? > dark brown.
your mother? > deceased.
your father? > in naples, florida.
your favorite thing? > hearing my kids belly laugh.
your dream last night > work. more like a nightmare.
your favorite drink? > la croix.
your dream/goal? > an airstream trailer in the everglades ;)
the room you're in? > my office at work.
your fear? > besides constant fears about my health...anything happening to brian and the kids.
where do you want to be in 6 years? > alive. helping olivia decorate her dorm room.
where were you last night? > home. watching random tv with brian.
what you're not? > outgoing.
muffins? > ehh. not really.
one of your wish list items? > our own place on the beach somewhere.
where you grew up? > all over, but high school in wadsworth.
the last thing you did? > got a plate of food at our company cookout.
what are you wearing? > surprisingly, not black. jeans and a summer top from nola true.
your TV? > at home...probably on a station olivia is not supposed to watch.
your pet? > sparky the turtle, and lily and aya...our gerbils.
your computer? > mac.
your life? > always something new.
your mood? > right now...a little melancholy.
missing someone? > sammy. he slept over a friends house last night .
your car? > jetta station wagon.
something you're not wearing? > a bathing suit. i’d like to be.
favorite store? > anthropologie.
your summer? > treasure island.
your favorite color? > green.
when is the last time you laughed? > last night...jon stewart.
last time you cried? > couple of days ago.
four places I go over and over? > work, grocery stores, kid’s sports,
four favorite foods? > goat cheese, quesadillas, gazpacho, flank steak
off from school so far.
approximately 4 arguments.
3 walks to the fairgrounds.
2 softball games, 1 forfeit.
2 baseball games, 1 bye.
2 parties.
1 sleepover.
1 case of poison ivy.
1 truck pull.
0 trips to the emergency room.
brian heard this yesterday on npr.
very funny...and very interesting.
and if you know anything about your dude-sayege.

in burton. it’s a strangely interesting event.
not to mention good people watching.
one of my contributions the hickox street garden.
century village provided plots to families in the village...
the weikarts, the bissels, and the roach family have ours all together.
tomatoes, beets, spinach, potatoes, cucumbers, all kinds of squash,
cilantro, basil and of course, beans.
i’ll take more pictures when it actually looks like something.
at our creative meeting last friday. thanks t.j., for the picture.
by special request.
(sorry for the big old mommy voice. i’ll have to remember to be a bit more subtle next time!)