from grandpa. a very happy surprise. how cool are all those stamps...and stampings. i’ll have to remember to send everyone a card when we go on our hiatus.
ok. so maybe i make this daily ritual THURSDAY. one of my favorite times of the day is sitting in bed with brian in the morning drinking coffee. it’s after my shower...but before the rush of the morning starts. it’s nothing special...just watching tv, talking, sipping coffee from out of our tommy bahama mugs. but i can’t tell you how bummed i am on the days we can’t do it!
hope you had a nice one. we visited a cemetery that had veterans from the revolutionary war. olivia’s band played while they read the soldiers names and kids put flowers on their graves. it was really a nice ceremony.
(i wish i had some better pictures of olivia marching...but they were all blurry!)
thanks to leya at curious bird for this fun idea. it is supposed to be every wednesday...and i’ve already fallen behind.
we flip a coin every monday morning to see who will start out the week taking sammy to school. heads mommy, tails daddy. today was my day. usually we talk more, but sam was busy filming. we also have a special handshake with words to go with you so, so much.
researching for a freelance job...i came across this rag chair by tejo remy at droog design. im inspired to go scoop up all the clothes on the floor of olivia’s bedroom and create. (just kidding, peanut. you’ve been doing a good job with your room lately.) but seriously. wow. i can picture this in a really modern space. comfy...and a sculpture.