your underbite, your expertise in picking out christmas trees, your clicking toenails, the way you cocked your head when we said your name, the way you barked at our cars when we pulled in the driveway, your pickiness when it came to treats and who you would let pet you, your prance-like gait, the way grandma always thought you were going to talk, the way you always sat in our plants, racetrack, you running off...but always coming back, your sweet dark eyes, the way you howled when neighbors and friends came to the door, the way sam squeezed your face and told you he loved you, the funny noise you made when you held furry man, how much you always wanted to go running with us, your warm furry smell...
i thought of new one today...how you always pooped in charlie’s yard!
I miss Pico too - especially how I could only pet her if you or Brian was around. But that didn't stop her for visiting when I had special pico treats. She was a lady.
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