
pirate monkeyness

somethin' silly fer ye. ye ne'er know when ye might needs it.


spring flowers really haven’t been my thing. i love them, but i don’t like to plant them.
but last fall i dug a hole in the softest ground i could find in the yard,
then threw the entire bag of fund-raiser tulips in. this is my reward.
(my experiment of simply lobbing the daffodil bulbs into the ivy however, not so successful.)


not all treasure is silver and gold, mate

it’s the most wonderful time...of the year.
burton village trash day. where we finally get to put out on the curb
all the junk we’ve been stepping over the last year.
and it’s wild (and a wee bit creepy)
how many trash pickers ride into town the night before.
now we can start saving up for next year.


science project

rice flour + organic eggs + stevia = yuck

brush your teeth

Well, I had hoped for a more meaningful beginning, but here goes.
April has been a very exciting dental month in the roach family.
Sam has lost 2 (well, 1, the other is hanging on a thread).
A big shout out to our man Stuart for loosening those with his ninja kick.
And Olivia found out that next to the string-and-doorknob method...
it appears that the stale juju bead is an excellent method for tooth removal.